Thursday, March 17, 2011

How I Went Crazy, aka: Toddler Ski School

If you are wondering why you haven't heard from us in a while... it is because we are still recovering.

It was one of our greatest parenting adventures to date.  I was on a mission.  Determined.  Now can you tell me why I thought I could teach the babies (who have only been walking for 1 and 2 years) to strap on a pair of skis and hit the slopes like alpine pros?  Let's just say... it will be a few more years before their olympic debut...

My first obstacle... how in the world do I even describe skiing to people that have barely seen snow in their lifetimes?  Obvi!  Just do what any mom would do.  Everything ski-related would now be "magical", "special", and have something to do with any of the following... robots, dinosaurs and fairy princesses.  Bribery would be key... this was going to take a LOT of snacks. 

So we began our "long journey" to the "big mountain" (aka: the biggest hill Weston, MO could find, complete with at least 3 inches of man-made shaved ice).  We got our "special stickers" (lift tickets) and headed off to get our "robot boots".  You know you have made a big mistake when they don't even make Moo-sized boots, but nothing that 2 extra pairs of socks couldn't fix.  So 4 boots, 5 pairs of socks, 4 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of snow pants, 6 shirts, 2 jackets, 2 hats, 4 gloves, and 67 gallons of mom sweat later... it was time to get our skis (by this time... all the "magic" was gone for mom).  My 25 and 40 lb babies were now tipping the scales at at least 150 lbs a piece at this point... let's add 4 long pointy skis to the mix. 
Doesn't she look excited?!

All of that... just so they could pull the toddler freak out as soon as we hit the snow.  Carter kept yelling to get "down" from his skis.  And Moo was obviously too cool to look so ridiculous.  Ugh... snack time anyone??

Back inside... off with the coats, the gloves, the hats, the boots.  3 bags of snacks and a lot of convincing later, it was time to try again.  There was no way in hell I was going out like this.  Everyone knows Mom Rule #1... never let the babies beat you!
Snack time!!!

And yes... her finger is permanently up her nose this winter.

It was time for a new approach.  This time I would gear up, pick up Carter and his baby skis, and ski him down to the "magic rope" so we could go up to the top of "dino mountain".  Wow... things have changed a bit since I taught ski school in college!  It was like my own personal version of the world's strongest man competition.  My legs were shaking like I doing the log toss (note to reader: yes...  I am a former avid watcher of above competitions).  Carter and I made it up the hill and down once before I was forced to institute "let's take turns with dad".  They did a great job (I like to think mostly because of my motivational comments from the bottom of the hill).  And the cuteness factor was off the charts!
4-Time Olympic Gold Medalist Carter Phelps

Olympic Downhill Champ and Supermodel Caroline Phelps

Let's just say, it was no coincidence that we went the last possible day we could before the snow melted.  It will definitely take an entire year to train and get the courage to try this one again.

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