Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Ice Cream 101

My dad is an interesting cook...  being a bachelor most of his adult life, he has created some "special" recipes over the years.  He has grilled many a "bloody steak," makes a mean pan of hamburger and onions (ingredients: hamburger and onions), and his "famous spaghetti" comes straight from a can (come on dad, you're Italian for crying out loud).  So, as I watched the snow falling yesterday, I knew it was time to introduce the babies to one of Papa's specialties... SNOW ICE CREAM!

The sacred recipe for snow ice cream is obviously only to be shared from father to father, so I made Andy call up my dad to get the tips.  I said, "Come on... it is my dad.  I am sure it is probably just snow and milk or something dumb like that."

Turns out... I was waaaaay off.  Dad said, "Make it like you are making egg nog, then add some snow."  Whaaaat???  My dad knows how to make egg nog?  And is it even called egg nog without the booze?  You will be shocked to hear the culinary masterpiece that is my dad's snow ice cream. 
  • 1 "normal-sized" bowl of snow (white, not yellow)
  • 4 eggs
  • some milk
  • some sugar
  • little bit of vanilla
  • little bit of salt
4 EGGS!  Are you kidding me!  Anyone else out there surprised that I survived my dad's obvious attempts to poison me and my sister with salmonella in the mid 80s?!?  I mean, that is not like a spoonful of cookie dough, that is like a snow protein shake!

So we spent this afternoon making snow ice cream with the babies.  Andy vetoed the eggs for the kiddos, but after swearing that it didn't taste the same, I made him add an egg to the "grown up" version.  We went with one... and let me tell you... DELICIOUS.  I can only imagine what 4 tasted like back in the day.

Next up, happy hour for mom and dad.  The special... snow egg nog, extra whiskey!!!

1 comment:

  1. HILARIOUS! I sure love those no pant days at the Phelps house! It is so Freeing!
