Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hittin' the Gym...

If you are thinking this is a post about working out... you are both right and wrong...

The "gym" is Sylvester Powell Community Center in Mission, KS.  It is, in fact, a gym... but only cool if you are under 5.  The fine folks in Mission understand the shear desperation of a mom trapped with toddlers in the winter time and, for that reason, fill an empty gymnasium with bouncy houses, ride-on-toys, play houses and climbing things.  And for the mere cost of $2 a kid (and your sanity), your kids can get out all of their energy while you chase them around like a chicken with your head cut off (hence, the work-out).

At the gym Winter 2010 with our bestie, Brandon
(note mass chaos in background)
Winter 2011, Moo with her boyfriend Chase

If you want to see parenting (or lack thereof) in action, this is the place to be.  There are 5 different types of parents at the gym...
  1. "Sit and Drink Coffee Mom"... This mom thinks her kids are perfectly behaved.  So she sits on her laptop or blackberry while her little angel (almost always a "big kid") is busy running your little angel over with a tricycle.  I am jealous of her optimistic and carefree approach.
  2. "Overprotective Helicopter Mom"... The most annoying of the parents, this mom thinks her kid is some type of national treasure and never leaves the 12 inch radius of her kid.  Heaven help you if your kid attempts to play with her kid.  It won't be pretty.
  3. "Follow Your Kid Like a Lost Puppy Mom"... I would have to put myself in this group.  The gym is uber-boring and to avoid being either Coffee Mom or Helicopter Mom, I walk (usually run) around following my kids saying things like, "We play nicely." "We keep our hands to ourselves." "We don't try to strangle our friends."
  4. "Hyperactive Grandparents"... UGH!  We appreciate your effort, but water aerobics isn't until noon.  You are waaaaaay to excited to be at the gym and it shows.  Your poor grandchild is becoming a toddler social outcast because you buttoned his onesie on the outside of his pants.  But kudos on bringing your own lawnchair.
  5. "Super Athletic Dad"... This dad is not at the gym to play, he is there to train.  His 2 year old is obviously some type of basketball prodigy because it is all he will let him play.  He practices 3-pointers, dunking, dribbling, defense, free throws...  while his kid just stands there with snot running down his face looking at him.  Save it for the draft, or at least until your kid reaches 3 feet tall.
The gym is not for weaklings, so I give props to any parent willing to take their kid into the belly of the beast.  Here are my tips... hide your sippy cups, dress your kid in a bright color or pattern so you can find them in the mayhem, stay out of the bouncy house unless your child is interested in pursuing a career with the WWE (mine totally are), and please... use... HAND SANITIZER.


  1. Kylee, you totally need to be published! Your writing is the most exciting and entertaining I've read all year :) Miss you & those 2 cuties of yours!


  2. So wish Charlotte and I could join the chaos, I mean fun! :)
